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Nine titles given out at Cariboo agility trial

The Cariboo Agility Team’s fourteenth annual Dog Agility Trial was held Aug. 26 -27

The Cariboo Agility Team’s fourteenth annual Dog Agility Trial was a fun time for all who attended.

Roxanne Ziefflie, the team’s president, said they were so grateful the smoke lifted on Saturday, Aug. 26 and Sunday, Aug. 27, just in time for the trial at the South Cariboo Rec Centre. All told 32 competitors attended this year with 52 dogs. They came from as far away as Edmonton, though most were from Prince George, Kamloops, Williams Lake and Kelowna.

“We really need to thank our competitors who made it to our trial. They helped make it a success because they were fantastic and helped us out a lot,” Ziefflie said.

Ziefflie kicked off the weekend on Friday with a fundraiser for the South Cariboo Health Foundation with tunnelers and weave pole challenge. The team raised $784 which she hopes will be used to buy TVs for hospital patients.

At dog agility trials competitors and their dogs enter an arena designed by the judges one at a time. Each team runs through a series of obstacles with points awarded for speed, obedience and avoiding mistakes. This year Ziefflie had Marian McCormack from Coquitlam judging the event.

By the end of the weekend, nine titles were earned and given out. Ziefflie said titles are awarded in the starter, advanced and master categories when a dog and their owner successfully do three qualifying runs in front of two different judges.

Five Agility Dogs of Canada titles were given out to Lac Le Jeune’s Yvonne Babbij and her dog Kyte, Kamloops’ Jane Halas and her dog Javier, Kamloops’ Nina Marcel and her dog Ryder, 100 Mile House’s Sabine Witte and her dog May and Ziefflie and her own dog ZuZu. ZuZu also earned her Starters Jumper title.

Meanwhile, Cecilia McLaren, of North Vancouver, and her dog Bella earned their Master Gamblers and Master Jumper titles. Finally, Lissa Porath and her dog Suki, both from Kamloops, received their Gold Snooker title.

“This was a really good trial. It was nice to see everyone pitch in like they did. We did hear multiple times over the weekend how this trial is the favourite trial for all of these people,” Ziefflie said. “People enjoy the atmosphere here because were very relaxed in our trials. Everyone just comes and has a fantastic time.”

Those interested in training their dogs are invited to reach out to Ziefflie at for more information.

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Patrick Davies

About the Author: Patrick Davies

An avid lover of theatre, media, and the arts in all its forms, I've enjoyed building my professional reputation in 100 Mile House.
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