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LETTER: Know when to stay and when it’s time to go

To the editor,

To the editor,

Having been on a number of demonstrations and blockades in my lifetime — Quebec City’s so-called Riot at the Hyatt, the Malaspina blockade in Prince Rupert and a short time at Occupy Vancouver — I’m reluctant to dump on anyone who wants to express their frustration and anger at the powers that be to demonstrate, one might say.

However, these truckers that clutter the streets of Ottawa are quite simply beyond the pale. Horns honking all night, racist slurs being shouted about, Nazi symbols and Confederate flags waving. Even if one agreed with their views and demands, one would be hard-pressed to find a good excuse for their rotten behaviour.

Note here, on the last day of the anti-NFTA demonstrations when the big tent was being folded down, a large group of us took garbage bags and cleaned up the mess. Not only our own, as some of it had already been there.

So it was with Occupy Vancouver. When it was done, everything came down and people departed.

At the Malaspina blockade, one angry fisherman burned an American flag. He was immediately admonished — we aren’t here to burn flags, we are here to make a point the Alaskans were stealing our fish

However, when the police handed out their notices the boats untied and went their own separate ways.

To conduct a successful blockade or demonstration, you have to know when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em. At least those who came rooting and tooting through Clearwater seemed to understand this much. Whether they understand what an uncovered “can of worms” this whole thing is, well, that’s another question.

After all, the alt-right south of the border is overjoyed. What they couldn’t achieve in Washington on Jan. 6 they now have fantasies of happening here in the land of the Maple leaf.

And the money, follow the money. Elon Musk has voiced his support for the “freedom” truckers. It takes no stretch of imagination to see Musk taking time out from his pointless space meanderings to write a cheque for the blockaders. There are other American sources for funding.

Dennis Peacock,

Clearwater, B.C.


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