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LETTER: Darfield jumps should have been fixed many years ago

This tragedy was still the result of people and their choices
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The highways have gotten scary.

From small cars right up to big rigs there are many new drivers that are not experienced enough to drive the way they do in altering road conditions, ignorant drivers that believe the rules don’t apply to them and will drive how they want with no regard to their own safety or the safety of others. Then we have the arrogant drivers that because they have a few years of driving experience behind them they think they can drive any way they want and nothing bad will happen because they have “experience.” One bad driving choice like this led to the lives of five people being permanently altered.

The accident at the Darfield jumps that sent four people to the hospital (including two children and one adult that are members of my family), one other person and one person that will now be making their last trip home could have been prevented.

The Darfield jumps should have been fixed many years ago but our current NDP government seems to deem things outside of the Lower Mainland a low priority.

But at the end of the day this tragedy was still the result of people and their choices.

Give it some thought, share this around to friends and to community info pages as it’s a hard thing to live with, after the fact, that you might negatively alter a family’s future. I would like to hope that I might prevent at least one family from going through what we are going through now, then it’s a small win and a step in the right direction for everyone who shares the highways.

Please share, message your local MLA or any politician you believe should see this.

Ben Rainer

Rainer Ranch, Darfield, B.C.

About the Author: Hettie Buck

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