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2016 Fall Fair vice ambassador Geri-Lee Genier participates in community events

2016 Fall Fair vice ambassador Geri-Lee Genier participates in community events
Left: Geri-Lee lends a hand at the annual Terry Fox Run. Right: Vice Ambassador Geri-Lee Genier spends time at the 3rd annual Emergency Service Gathering last weekend at the Barriere Bandshell in Fadear Park.

Submitted by Geri-Lee Genier, NTFFR Vice Ambassador


Emergency Service Gathering, September 17, 2016

Thank you to everyone who joined in and donated to the First Responders. It was so great to see our community come together to support our local emergency services. I had such a great time helping set up and meeting some great people. I am very thankful to have had the weather clear up and made the day so much nicer, there was an even bigger turnout than I had thought there would be. I learned so much about what our First Responders do and also I learned about the dangers of oil spills from the Environmental Research Group. They even had a little bit of their clean up gear set out for us to take a look at! Thank you again to everyone who made this event possible, and thank you for having me.

Terry Fox Run, September 18, 2016

A very special thank you to Kris Luison and all the volunteers that made the Terry Fox Run such a success. It was a wonderful day, not hot but the sun was shining. It was great to see so many familiar faces. It was astounding to see so many community members come out and donate to Terry’s fund for cancer research. I had a great time setting up posters and the door prize table, I learnt that a lot of community members here have been affected by cancer in one way or another. Terry devoted his life to run across Canada to help raise awareness and money for Cancer research. Without his devotion I do not think there would be over $700,000,000 put towards a cure for cancer. Again, thank you to everyone for making this years Terry Fox Run such a success. It was incredible!


Volunteering not only helps and benefits one’s community but, in a way, it benefits the volunteers themselves. For instance, I believe volunteering makes a person feel worthy, because they made someone else’s life better or made a change in their community somehow. Volunteering also shows that a person is generous, compassionate, and good-hearted, because he/she is kind enough to give u a few hours of their time and put it into the community. It also serves others without expecting to receive anything out of their service. I believe that everyone should give back to their community because volunteering will make your community a more comforting and pleasing place to live in. Personally I have been volunteering and helping out around our little community since I was about 10 years old. It made me feel great inside, I had no words for how happy I was because of what all of us volunteers had accomplished.