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Blooming and how long it lasts

Have you done some planting yet? Is it a year when you are a little behind or do you have lots already in bloom?
“Some of my favourite flowers are those that have a short season like lilacs,” says Kim Pendergast. (K.A. Pendergast photo)

Have you done some planting yet? Is it a year when you are a little behind or do you have lots already in bloom?

Some of us have just started, and some not so much haha. We all decide just how urgent that kind of thing is in our lives. I dunno about you but some years I am digging in some dirt as soon as I can either uncover it or buy it!

Many years though, I love looking at the blooms but don’t seem to have the determination to get myself out there to do some weeding like I really should!

Are you one of those who has a lush beautiful veggie and flower garden? Do you add new varieties each year? Possibly just planting a few flowering bushes? Which works for you?

I was wandering around the yard the other day and I naturally got to thinking of flowers. Some of them were just coming into bloom like the wild roses that crawl up the side of the house, and others were just some wilting petals left on the grass as a reminder of their faded blossoms. The wind and a little rain took them down in just a day. What a big mess! Sheesh.

Why do some types of plants only have approximately a week to bloom and show that amazing display of colour and fragrance, while others can keep producing all season long? What the H.E. double toothpicks is up with that huh? It seems downright unfair to me…just saying…

Some of my favourite flowers are those that have a short season like lilacs and tiger lilies. Sigh, I wonder if that is why I like them so much because they are around such a short time. Now I’m not saying that Mother Nature isn’t spectacular and all, but it would be nice to be able to enjoy those things a wee mite longer! Don’t you agree?

Why do some flowers come back over and over, and others you have to get more bulbs or seeds or whatever, and replant? Why does it work that way? I know there are probably scientific answers but still. Some bulbs need to be brought inside and then put back in the spring…sheesh…it is endless. Gardening is complicated…just saying.

Sigh, I suppose we have to put in some work to enjoy the benefits, but it would be certainly easier on us if all of the different kinds had more in common in their care. Full sun, partial shade, water every day, only once a week, Ugh! I guess we could just go visit friends all the time who have the lovely gardens! Hey, that’s an idea… Of course, I have no doubt that we could drop in and our luck would be that they would not put down the little shovels and rakes while they were in the midst of digging, and we would just volunteer to help anyway! Haha.

I am unsure about the technical reasons behind all of the differences in plants and the individual ways that they grow, but I do know one sure thing! That is that I may as well bite my tongue, finally, and not talk about it anymore, and many of you know how difficult I may find that, haha. Since it is not up to me anyway.

The differences are what help make the many types of gardens more splendid, I think! So, I suppose all any of us can do is put in a bit more effort so we can enjoy the fruits of our labours. I better go find some gloves. That’s what hard work is all about right? Happy gardening everyone!