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Chinook Cove Ladies Golf Night

It was a good turnout for Ladies’ Night, despite the bugs and the humidity. All 35 of our ladies had a great time. Conversations all around, great food, and even good golf games all around - the reward for all that practicing.

It was a good turnout for Ladies’ Night, despite the bugs and the humidity. All 35 of our ladies had a great time. Conversations all around, great food, and even good golf games all around - the reward for all that practicing.

Alright, let's move onto all the winners for July 30.

Hole 1: Long drive in 2, Flight 3, went to Kate Whitmore and long drive in 2, Flight 4, went to Glenda Feller.

Hole 2: Long drive in 2, Flight 1, went to Louise Lodge and long drive in 2, Flight 2, went to Doreen Landry.

Hole 3: Long putt, split between Flights 3 and 4, went to flight 3’s Mary Vansickle.

Hole 4: Everybody’s favourite time, KP time! KP for Flight 1 winner was Donna Salle, KP for Flight 2 winner was Debra Westendorp, KP for Flight 3 winner was Karina Scott, and KP for Flight 4 winner was Zarina Mitchell.

Hole 5: Alright, now is the time to show off how long your drive can go, for Hole 5 we have long drive pins! Long drive for Flight 1 winner was Louise Lodge, long drive for Flight 2 winner was Mariah Cawkell, long drive for Flight 3 winner was Karina Scott, and long drive for Flight 4 winner was Zarina Mitchell.

Hole 6: Coming back to KP time, for Hole 6 this time. KP for Flight 1 winner was Monica Lee, KP for Flight 2 winner was Doreen Landry, nobody got a KP for Flight 3, and KP in 2 for Flight 4 winner was Darlene Nickull.

Hole 7: KP in 2, split between Flights 1 and 2, went to Flight 2’s Debra Westendorp!

Hole 8: Long putt, for Flight 4, went to Wanda Amos.

Hole 9: Long putt, split between Flights 1 and 2, went to Kathy Cook.


Least number of putts went to Susan Newberry with 10 putts! Lowest amount so far for Ladies Night in 2024. Most number of putts went to Kristin Abbott with 29. Not the highest we have seen but we will still take it! Onto the Flight winners of the night.

Flight 1: Low gross went to Louise Lodge with a score of 41 and low net went to Karen Peterson with a score of 34.

Flight 2: Low gross went to Debra Westendorp with a score of 44 and low net went to Cathy Paul with a score of 37.5.

Flight 3: Low net went to Mary Vansickle with a score of 51 and low net went to Jenn Coulthard with a score of 34.

Flight 4: Low gross went to Wanda Amos with a score of 57 and second low gross went to Donna Fraser with a score of 58. Moving on, Susan Newberry got a birdie and a chip-in on Hole 9. What a way to end a golf game! In Flight 2, Doreen Landry got a birdie on Hole 6 and Debra Westendorp got a birdie on Hole 7. Very good golf games. We hope to see everyone next time.


Golf Lingo for this week…

Gimme: A putt that is so close to the hole that it’s assumed that the player will make it. You can only have a “gimme” in casual, non-tournament plays or in match play. An old-fashioned term for this is “in the leather,” a reference to the ball being closer to the hole than the length of a putter from the putter’s face to the bottom of its grip.