The first action of the District of Barriere Council meeting, on June 5, was to pass the final adoption of the Water System Bylaw No. 92 Amending Bylaw No. 1644 and Bylaw No. 89. Council members also passed a motion to “propose to pass a resolution allowing a temporary use permit to be issued to allow a commercial berry farm to be located as proposed in the application”; the property in question being located at 729 Barriere Lakes Road. A notice will now be placed in the newspaper, and notices delivered to those in the immediate area of the property.
Staff reported that the “unsightly property” spoken of at the last meeting has undergone significant improvements. Staff will continue to work towards addressing other properties within the District and hope to have similar success.
Council members passed a motion to transfer $10,000 from road reserves to the operating budget, to be used for road purposes in 2012, with any remaining amount, in that line item, at the end of the year, being brought forward to the 2013 budget. Approximately $5,000 of this will be used to do line painting this year.
Staff reported that they have spoken with Shelley Ewashina, a staff member at Barriere Secondary, who has confirmed that Dawn Eustache would be interested in doing a project at the Barriere Rink. Dawn recently completed a mural at the School (see front page of May 21 issue of the Star/Journal), and will be attending TRU to study art in the fall. To this end, Dawn had submitted a drawing of what she would like to do. After some discussion, it was moved to allot $500 from the Parks budget to have her do two panels at the rink.
Mayor Humphreys was pleased to announce that the District has received the $1000 grant for the Canada Day celebrations.
Council members passed a motion to allow Simpcw First Nation complimentary use of the ballfields and concession for their 2012 Secwepemc Gathering on August 17-19. There will be representatives from 17 Bands within the Secwepemc Territory and they anticipate approximately 750 to 1000 people over the course of the weekend.
Councillor Paula reported (from Halifax) that later this week she will be touring their wastewater plant and their composting facility, and will have a report at the next meeting.
There will be a public meeting on Zoning on June 27, more info on this meeting will be advertised in an upcoming issue of the newspaper.
The Council members then convened to a closed session.
The next meeting of the District of Barriere Council will be on June 18, at 7 p.m.