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Grad class needs your bottles

The Barriere Secondary School Grad Class of 2011 are busy with fundraising projects for the graduation celebrations this year.

The Barriere Secondary School Grad Class of 2011 are busy with fundraising projects for the graduation celebrations this year.

Students and organizers of the Poinsettia Fundraiser thank everyone who supported this successful event.

This month the Grad Class will be having a January bottle drive and ask, “Please keep the holiday cans and bottles around so we can put it towards our graduation”.

They also invite everyone to attend their Cinema Fashion Show on March 3, at Barriere Secondary. There will be refreshments and a silent auction, with more details published in the coming weeks.

The Grad Committee says, “Once again we would just like to say thank you for year after year helping the graduating classes, we couldn’t do it without the support we get from our community.”