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McLure and Louis Creek will find fun in the sun

Fun in the sun will start on June 30 this year with the last day of school being June 29

By Lorna Bergey

Fun in the sun will start on June 30 this year. The last day of school is June 29, so I’m sure someone will have some fun in the sun the next day (unless it’s raining).

Our local fresh food stand opens this Father’s Day weekend, so you’ll be able to load them up with all the healthy fresh vitamins and minerals they’ll need for all that fun in the sun.

Fresh cherries are in, and everything else is coming two weeks earlier than usual.  You won’t be spending near as much time in the kitchen if you shop locally at Carl’s Market Garden and Fruit Stand in McLure.

Unfortunately, some of that extra time may be spent sitting in line-ups trying to get to Kamloops. I’ve checked in with Ministry of Transport to try and get a starting date on the Vinsulla project but there seems to be quite a few hoops to jump though to get the answer to that question. I think that by the time I get the answer, the job will have started.

I can tell you there are a few big jobs in the planning stages for our highways. Last time there was this much roadwork the McLure Ferry became quite busy. I predict this will happen again. A boat ride is much more fun than sitting in a line-up. The drive on Westside Road may be a little longer then the highway, but the scenery is better and you won’t have to sit in a line-up, or two, or three.

If you need to discuss anything about our community, the place to do it is the McLure Fire Hall on the first Wednesday of July at 7:30 p.m.

Until the “dog days of summer” that’s the news from Vinsulla, McLure and Louis Creek.

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