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New welders for shop in Barriere Secondary

School looking forward to what students will create next year in shop

In anticipation of next years senior metal shop fabrication and welding class being piloted at Barriere Secondary School (BSS) a handful of potential welding students took a trip to Kingfisher Boat Manufacturing located in Vernon, B.C.

Students were provided a tour of the facility and were able to witness boats in various stages of production, as well as learn about the various career paths available and employment opportunities.

Currently, the shop department and administration is working closely with School District 73 (SD73), the Canadian Welding Association and local partners to develop more career opportunities for our BSS students.

With the assistance of SD73 Trades and Transition program, Barriere Secondary was able to purchase three new welders for the shop  as well as upgrade several pieces of hand held equipment.

We look forward to next year and to what our students will create in this class.