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Red Hot Mammas ready to introduce ‘Bitsy and Her Friends’

They’re back!

The zany carryings-on of the Red Hot Mamas of Barriere will be centre stage at the Bandshell next week, Friday June 17, at 7 p.m. in the Ludmilla Bollow production called “Bitsy and Her Friends”.

Unabashedly unconcerned about having stirred up controversy over the “conspiracy theory” caused by their presentation of “The Revenge of the Red Hat Ladies”, and their drubbing at the hands of the visiting Little Sisters of Mercy basketball team of Nuns’ in “At Half time”, the intrepid group, led by Bitsy Ballentine, owner of Wyndham Gardens, are holding a “Free Form Art Faire” and “the whole world is invited”.

“Bitsy”... who recently inherited the estate and her house guests, an eclectic group of artistic and slightly bizarre ladies from various walks of life, who together have collected “recyclables” and transformed them into works of art with loving care and ingenuity.

Life changes, however, and a dark storm cloud in the form of the elite Hyacinth Hill Homeowners Association have a different perspective on just what should be taking place in the community and are threatening to take legal action.

Undaunted, “Bitsy” gets some spiritual assistance from her former friend Anabelle Wyndham, and together with her have-not ladies come up with an unusual plan to achieve their objective of a “Free Form Art Faire”, with freedom and liberty for all, and a future that proclaims... “Viva La People”.

The evening will also feature musical performances by talented Barriere performers Paul Faessler, Mickey Kinlock and the Pelayos.  So bring your lawn chairs, your family and friends, and be prepared to “Dance around the Circle” with an evening of comedy theatre and music.

You will be “Uplifted”!

Submitted - Barrie McLean