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Small crowd – big winners

March 26, 204, Saskia and Darrel concert at the Church of St Paul in Barriere
Darrel and Saskia perform during the concert at the Church of St Paul in Barriere.

“The concert was great,” said Leslie Stirling, who was reporting on the Mar. 26, Saskia and Darrel concert at the Church of St Paul.   “About 30 people attended which was disappointing, but it made for a very intimate evening.  The 30 that attended were the big winners.  Darrel and Saskia are lovely people with beautiful voices and entertaining stories.  Darrel is an extraordinary musician.”

Reverend Brian Krushel said the evening was a lot like church services - some singing, some stories, with a break in the middle for fund-raising ( Saskia and Darrel offered their CDs for sale and most folks bought at least one).