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Travelling Poetry and a beautiful life

Travelling Poetry and a beautiful life

The love of travel comes through loud and clear in the most recent literary work of Louis Creek author/poet Réjean Coallier. His 132 page Travelling Poetry Trilogy is packed full of adventures as he travels through Central America, Mexico, and Canada. Coallier relates all that he sees and experiences, including unexpected romances, and a girl he loved but “couldn’t bring home”.

2011 Event Dates

Are you planning an event within the Lower North Thompson Valley during 2011? If so we’d like to hear about it and list the dates in our Community Calendar & Summer Vacation Guide. Give us a call at the Star/Journal.
4H ready for a great year

4H ready for a great year

Goodbye 2010, and welcome 2011 – it’s time for another great year of 4-H!
Bemoaning all that white stuff

Bemoaning all that white stuff

Winter! If I could think of a way to get rid of all that miserable white stuff, I’d do it post-haste (a fancy P.O. word for NOW).
Louis Creek resident modelled for sculpture

Louis Creek resident modelled for sculpture

If you are a visitor in the Biasotti’s home in Louis Creek you’ll notice a photograph of Mario Biasotti standing with Cameron Kerr at the Kamloops wildfire monument. The monument is about the 2003 wildfires, and Mario was used as one of the models for the work.
Local students play at Dist. 73 Simply Strings Concert

Local students play at Dist. 73 Simply Strings Concert

Another telephone scam

An area resident called the Star/Journal last week to warn others by reporting she had received a call from a phone scammer. She says the scammer said he called “about the error showing on your Windows based computer system”. The caller had a foriegn accent, and when she asked for his business name, number, and where he was calling from, he promptly hung up.
BSS supports Food Bank

BSS supports Food Bank

Food Bank holds annual meeting

On Jan. 19, the Barriere and District Food Bank Society held their Annual General Meeting at the Food Bank building. In attendance were managing director Kim Keating, and directors Tina Tuaiti, Ellouise (Popo) Skjonsberg, and Marion Coltman, and members Rose Seymour and Alexis Jones.
Lions support area literacy

Lions support area literacy

The Barriere Lions Club have donated the proceeds from their Fall Book Fair to Lower North Thompson Learning and Literacy.