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In appreciation for the ‘earth angels’ - we see you


The loss of a loved one, family or friend, can be such a life altering time of grief, reflection, numbness and often confusion. A wide range of emotions, whether expected or not swirl around and it’s certainly not an easy time to make decisions, although those must be made, even during the most difficult times. It seems as though we are never truly prepared, even when we may think we are.

Having experienced much loss during life, I’ve come to appreciate those ‘earth angels’ who quietly move behind the scenes, offering support through care, listening, counsel, and comfort, lighting our way through the darkest times.

Whether it is the shift nurse in a hospital, the kindness of a physician or first responder in the case of an emergency, or a hospice team offering some respite for family to take a few moments to freshen up, try to sleep or have a little nourishment and the thought of these dedicated, authentic individuals and teams humble me as I share this with you.

It takes a very special person to be so committed to compassionate service and care, putting aside their own needs often while finding a sense of honour and peace in being there for the hardest moments in life.

Having first responder sons and close family members who serve day after day, night after night, fills me with pride, thinking of them rushing to help on a moments notice and in spite of challenging circumstances they push through, stay focused, and maintain an incredible sense of calm and compassion.

Sometimes it’s the littlest gestures that will ease the pain; a touch, holding a hand, offering words of reassurance, or even just a warmed up blanket or moistening dry lips with soft slushy ice, making things a little bit easier to cope with.

Time after time, palliative care staff and volunteers, medical professionals, technicians, search and rescue, firefighters, police, paramedics, first aid attendants, funeral directors, spiritual advisors, and many complimentary assistants step up and step forward as we go through the hardest times in our lives.

As my heart goes out to dear friends experiencing sudden loss right now, I’m so thankful knowing they have the support of so many reaching out in a variety of ways to wrap them up in genuine concern and sensitive care, much like so many have shown our own families over the years.

I realize we don’t always know when someone is suffering, putting on a brave face, shouldering the heavy load, trying to be the strong one or not be a burden. Our intuition must be our guide, leading us to reach out, even in the smallest way. A listening ear, a sincere heart, a warm casserole dropped off with a loving note. Perhaps it’s stopping by to catch up the laundry, take care of the kids for a few hours or have a tea as memory stories are shared. Those layers of loving kindness really do help and create lasting memories to look back on when thoughts are a little bit more clear as the fog of grief lifts.

If you are interested in volunteering or learning more about hospice, palliative care or becoming a community emergency services contributor, not all of the roles are physically challenging. So many organizations, groups and non-profits are seeking people willing to help. Every little bit helps, sometimes more than you may know.

Sending out genuine appreciation to one and all who do their part in keeping us safe, offering care and for your compassionate service. We see you, our ‘earth angels’ … heartfelt thanks for all you do.

About the Author: Hettie Buck

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