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Letter to the Editor - Wrong leader, wrong time

North Thompson resident Wes Morden voices his opinion about BC Conservative leader Rustad contesting the B.C. Election results.

John Rustad cannot accept that he lost the B.C. election, visions of Trump 2020. He wants an investigation by Election BC. If he gets that investigation and it is determined that he still didn’t win, how far is he willing to go?

Should we expect a freedom convoy in Victoria attempting to overthrow the election results and stage a coup de ta to achieve his goals? The extreme right which Rustad represents, has proven over and over again that they will stop at nothing, fair or foul to achieve their goals. The ghost of Trump seems to be popping up everywhere.

So, who you gonna call “Ghost Busters” that’s who. Enough of this ahead to the past politics.

Let the present BC government get on with their agenda and quit continually harassing them from the right. Now I know that some elected members of the Conservative caucus are for forward thinking. Our own MLA Ward Stamer is one of them. They should make him the leader and perhaps they would have more success.

Wes Morden, Clearwater, B.C.