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Yard art meant to bring joy stolen from East Barriere Lake Road

Local residents Dayna and Dan Hansen are very angry and hurt that anyone would dismantle and steal their Barbie jeep

Dear Editor:

We are unbelievably upset at the thought that someone has taken it upon themselves to steal our Barbie Jeep that we created as part of our ongoing fun yard art for everyone to enjoy as they pass by. We came out Monday morning on the way to work to find nothing left but the tires (including a photo) and don’t understand why anyone would do something like this.


Anybody anywhere who has travelled Barriere Lakes Road in the past few years has had a laugh and probably given a kooky wave back at our eclectic and silly yard art that we work hard creating every year for the sole purpose of making kids and adults alike both local, seasonal, and tourists a smile, a laugh, something to remember, something to talk about.... something to make people happy. Now the happy-waving girls are gone! Even the cinder blocks that were weighing down the jeep are gone! Why are people so hell-bent on ruining and stealing people’s happiness?


If anyone sees or knows anything about our stolen Barbie jeep and the waving girl dolls, we affectionately named Patricia, Patsy and Polly, please bring them back as soon as possible and no questions will be asked. If you have any information about our ‘art’ jeep and dolls, contact us or the RCMP as soon as possible. Do not approach whoever did this if you do happen to find it as we don’t want anyone hurt over anything that should bring joy. Please call us or the authorities.


What a sad way to start our week. There is just too much vandalism and theft happening. Is it time to start a Block Watch? The jeep used to be our granddaughter's when she was little and you can't find these larger dolls anymore.

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