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February 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day

February 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day; every year more countries around the world are celebrating it

Random acts of kindness - little, deliberate acts done to brighten another person’s day by doing something thoughtful, nice and caring for them, with no thought to getting anything back.

February 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day, while it is only an unofficial holiday, every year more countries around the world are celebrating it, either just by one or two, or by many different groups and organizations within that country; all of whom encourage their citizens and each other to do some random act of kindness for one another.

• Use good manners - say please and thank you, hold doors open for others; these are all forms of kindness.

• Be generous with compliments - tell someone how good they look or how clever they are, praise your child for their skills and good thinking.

• Send a treat to someone who makes a difference in your community - your local police or fire station, your garbage man or janitor, or even your neighbour... your neighbours are an important part of your community and they make a difference just by being there.

• Write a letter to a stranger - anyone who is lonely, isolated, or just in need of cheering up (ie: elderly people in nursing homes).

• Pay for someone else’s coffee, or take some goodies in to work to share with your coworkers or staff.

• Give someone in your family a break - make them breakfast in bed, do a chore for them that they normally would do.

• Share a smile.

• And most importantly - do each act of kindness without expecting anything in return!  The greatest act of kindness is one that is freely given.