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Funny money and holiday shopping – no laughing matter

Now it’s crunch time, and rather than getting shorter, your shopping list is ever expanding. You forgot to pick up hostess gifts, you can’t do without a new roasting pan, and you need to find a little something for your friend’s year-end birthday.

Now it’s crunch time, and rather than getting shorter, your shopping list is ever expanding. You forgot to pick up hostess gifts, you can’t do without a new roasting pan, and you need to find a little something for your friend’s year-end birthday.

When you’re out shopping this holiday season, don’t let your frazzled nerves get the better of you. Even if stores are crowded and line-ups are long, take a few seconds to ensure that the cash being handed back and forth is the real deal.

Counterfeiters look for opportunities to pass fake cash, and the chaos at shopping centres throughout the month of December is just what they have in mind.

So despite being in a rush, don’t jam that change in your pocket. Pause, just for a second, and check your notes. You want to make sure your bills are real.

The security features of Canadian Journey Series bank notes (the ones with a metallic stripe) are quick and easy to verify. So remember to Check to Protect as you get on with checking those gift items off your list! Just follow these simple actions.

How to verify a bank note:

Touch the front of the bill. The ink feels thicker on the large number and the words BANK OF CANADA ● BANQUE DU CANADA along the left edge.

Tilt the bill. Check the colour shifts in the metallic stripe on the front and the gold to green dashes on the back.

Look through the bill. Hold it up to the light to check the ghost image, puzzle number, and dashes forming a solid line.

Look at the appearance and action of each security feature carefully.