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Part 4: What to do if you suspect a child you know is being abused?

Column courtesy of the Anti Violence Advocates Society in Barriere
Anti Violence Advocates Society

The role of the outsider is more important than ever when it comes to cases of child abuse. This is because children may be too young to be able to find help for themselves, or may be too frightened. So, being on the lookout for signs of child abuse can save lives. If you suspect that a child you know is being abused in any way, there are several things that you can do. If the child is old enough and you have a good relationship with him or her, you can make time to talk to them and let themr know that you are always there to listen.

However, if it is apparent that abuse is taking place, it is best to contact the professionals who can handle the case safely for all concerned. You can, of course, make sure that the child knows that she can find a place of safety with you while things are resolved. For help and advice, you can turn to your doctor, social worker, domestic violence or childline helplines and websites or, if the danger is immediate, call emergency services. Your anonymity will be protected if you wish, in most cases there is no need to give your name.

If you have been living in an abusive relationship, you may

feel confused and afraid and not know where to turn or what to do. You may have

mixed feelings of love and anger; wanting the abuse to end, but not wanting the

relationship to be over. If you are in immediate danger call 911. For help contact Interior Health Crisis Line 1-888-353-2273

AVA Society is collecting cell phones and their chargers to be used by families planning to leave an abusive situation. Drop off your old phones at  Armour Mountain Office Services. Thank you to Media Esteem. Kevin has agreed to clear the phones to factory settings.