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Semi vehicle incident blocks Highway 5 north of Vavenby near McMurphy

Highway 5 was closed early Saturday, January 11 in both directions due to a vehicle incident between Skinner Road and McMurphy pullout, approximately 20 kilometres north of Vavenby and 18 kilometres south of Avola.

A three commercial vehicle collision occurred early on Saturday morning, Jan. 11 on Highway 5 north of Vavenby resulting in no injuries to the three drivers involved.

The highway was closed in both directions due to the collision, which occurred between Skinner Road and McMurphy pullout, approximately 20 kilometres north of Vavenby and 18 kilometres south of Avola. 

Recovery crews were on scene until late afternoon and drivers were cautioned to proceed watch for signs and crews. The Skilled Truckers Facebook group alerted drivers to potential black ice and speed contributing to the crash. 

Residents familiar with the area and back roads said there is no detour available in that section of the highway and urged drivers not to try take any back road or Forest Service Road if directed to do so by Google Maps.

Otter Creek Road, for example, can be quite dangerous and not maintained during the winter. 

"Google maps shows drivers a detour route via Otter Creek Road," Avola resident Kevin Deckert told Black Press. "This is a logging road (FSR) and is not currently plowed and not viable for most vehicles let alone highway trucks. It is so frustrating that Google would lead people onto such a road."

There was single lane alternating traffic during the assessment and recovery of the semis with emergency crews on scene. 

Officials continue to caution drivers to drive according to conditions due to icy or snowy winter roadways and temperatures expected to drop again below freezing along Highway 5 in the North Thompson Valley corridor.