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Great golfing following Canada Day for ladies at Chinook Cove

Great golfing at Chinook Cove following a nice Canada Day weekend, with the highest turn out of lady golfers this season

It was a great Canada Day weekend. Grey skies came and went, leaving us with clear blue days. On the following Tuesday, 46 ladies came out to play golf. It was our biggest crowd so far this year and a great event to share with everybody.

Hole 1: Long drive, split between flights 1 and 2, went to flight 2’s Terri Jones. Long drive, split between flights 3 and 4, went to flight 4’s Gillian Webber.

Hole 2: Long putt, split between flights 1 and 2, went to flight 1’s Donna Salle. Long putt, split between flights 3 and 4, went to flight 4’s Sandy Lebourdais.

Hole 3: Hole 3 was the hole this week for everybody to show off their long drives. Flight 1, long drive, went to Gayle Fauteux. Flight 2, long drive, went to Kristin O’Connor. Flight 3, Long drive, went to Karina Scott. Flight 4, long drive went to Cindy Matthew.

Hole 4: KP, flight 1, went to Susan Mitchell. KP, flight 2, went to Anita Hill. KP, flight 3, went to Evelyn Lucas. KP, flight 4, went to Wanda Amos.

Hole 5: The long putt on Hole 5 for the flight 4 ladies was unclaimed. We had two ladies get KPs on hole 6. Flight 2 KP went to Karen Callaghan and flight 3 KP went to Leslie Stirling.

Hole 7: We had 10 balls lost to the gully on hole 7 this week.

Rest in Peace: Our "Rest in Peace" ladies for July 2 are as follows: Lynda Fournier (x2), Carol Cook (x2), Ema Webber, Barb Smith, Deb Winiski, Kayla Mosdell, Jamie Mosdell, and Melissa Bourne. KP in 2, split between flights 1 and 2, went to flight 2’s Karen Callaghan. KP in 2, split between flights 3 and 4, went to flight 3’s Darleen LeCerf.

Hole 8: On Hole 8, there was one long putt pin for all four flights. Flight 3’s Audrey Rilcoe won the long putt.

Hole 9: On Hole 9, there was another long putt pin for flight 4s, and Carol Cook won long putt.

The least amount of putts went to Sandy Lebourdais with 13 putts by retro, and the most amount of putts went to Ema Webber with 37 putts.

Flight 1: Low gross went to Monica Lee with a score of 39 and low net went to Gayle Fauteux with a score of 38.

Flight 2: Low gross went to Karen Callaghan with a score of 49 and low net went to Anita Hill with a score of 38.5.

Flight 3: Low gross went to Audrey Rilcoe with a score of 49 and low net went to Evelyn Lucas with a score of 30.5.

Flight 4: Low gross went to Sandy Lebourdais with a score of 51 and second low gross went to Cindy Matthews with a score of 58.

When I say it was a great week, it really was. Every flight had at least one pot winner. Starting off with flight 1, Monica Lee had an eagle and Gayle Fauteux had a chip-in on Hole 1. (Side note: Monica also had a birdie on Hole 8.)

Flight 2’s Anita Hill had a chip-in on Hole 6. For flight 3, Darleen LeCerf had a birdie on Hole 7. There were two winners for the chip-in pot for flight 4: Carol Cook had a chip-in on Hole 3 and Amanda Summers had a chip-in on Hole 5. A very good day for golfing indeed.

Big Dog: Slang for the "Driving" club. Golfers use the expression "time to let the big dog eat" when they decide to use the driver.