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Winter tire enforcement

Are my tires good enough to get me safely through a B.C. winter?


The Winter Tire enforcement signs have been up, on roadways that climb to higher elevations, since October 1st. It is time for all motorists to ask themselves the question “are my tires good enough to get me safely through a B.C. winter”?

The kind of tires we drive on are only half the answer. The other half lies in our ability to drive in winter conditions.

According to Section 7.162 of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations, “A winter tire shall have not less than 3.5mm of tread depth across the surface of the tire that is in contact with the road”. The height of four stacked dimes is about the depth you need at the thinnest depth of the tread, not the deepest. Anything less and the tread will not be able to displace the snow, slush or water effectively enough to keep your grip on the roadway if you’re driving to the road conditions that is.