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A few spankings will not bring ruin

All children are not equal and some require a firmer hand than others

To the editor:

Re: (Are you aware of possible change to spanking law?):

It is kind to teach a child obedience.

The foundation is love, kindness and doing things together.

All children are not equal and some require a firmer hand than others.

When I spanked my children, which was rare, it was for defiance or lying, which was also rare because they knew it was safer to be honest.

A valued trophy in my life is a letter I received from my son.

He was in university at the time and, on Father’s Day, he wrote: “Dad, one of the measures of the success of a father is if his children are still friends with him when they are teens. I am 19 and you are my best friend! Thanks, dad!”

A few spankings didn’t ruin him or our relationship.

Eric McCooeye

Kamloops, B.C.