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Barriere Elementary principal welcomes a new school year

To the editor;

To the editor;

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new families, as well as the many who are returning for another school year. We are very happy to have all of you as part of our Barriere school community. As the relatively new principal to our school (having just joined last Spring), I am very excited about the many things we will accomplish with a full school year together.

This year, our school population is hovering around 225 students. We have 10 divisions with many of our wonderful educational team returning. We would like to welcome Ms. Bonderud as our new grade 5/6 teacher and are sad that we will be saying goodbye to Ms. MacDougall, who has accepted a position as the new North Thompson Teacher on Call (TTOC). A posting is out for Ms. MacDougall’s grade 2/3 class, and we expect to know who her replacement will be early next week.

On the bright side, as the North Thompson TTOC, we expect to have Ms. MacDougall in our school on a regular basis throughout the school year,

Every year the staff works diligently to make decisions with regards to class placements. To support in the decision-making process, we weight the academic, social, and behavioural needs of individual students, as well as class composition, provincial regulations, and Certified Educational Assistant supports available to us. Each new year brings many opportunities. Students can build new friends, experience different learning environments, develop new social, academic, and individual skills that leads to increased resilience and personal independence. Thanks to everyone for your support and patience during this process.

Also, please observe that we have a new crosswalk that is directly across the street from our front doors.

Thank you to our PAC for advocating for this as it will help keep our children safer as they cross the road. Also, please do your part to be observant and respectful when driving in our school zone, to make sure our students are always safe from traffic.

Newsletters will be sent home via email every month as well as posted on our school website. Please contact the school if you need the newsletter sent home in paper format.

Thank you for being a member of our Barriere Elementary family. We value your support and participation in our school and look forward to a fantastic school year.

Mikel Brogan / Principal

Barriere Elementary School

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