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Barriere Fibre Arts is open to new membership

Letter to the Editor from Barriere Fibre Arts Group

To the editor,

Every year, from around the end of September until the end of April, the Barriere Fibre Arts Group meets every Tuesday at the Volunteer Centre, from 7-9 p.m.   This year, the first meeting will be on Oct. 2.

Fibre Art is a style of fine art which uses textiles such as fabric, yarn, and natural and synthetic fibres.  Fibre art techniques include knitting, rug hooking, felting, braiding or plaiting, macrame, lace making, flocking, and plastic canvas, to name a few.

There are big tables at the Volunteer Centre, and the room is comfortable, with lots of light.  All kinds of fibre art and artists are welcome, and there is no age restriction - children are welcome, although they must have a parent or guardian with them.  Experienced members are always happy to help those just learning knitting, crocheting, spinning and all sorts of other fibre related crafts.

For more information about this group, contact Mariel, at 250-672-5686 or Linda at 250-672-1056.

Barriere Fibre Arts

Barriere, B.C.