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Editorial Reflections by Hettie Buck - A little praise goes a long way

Genuine appreciation, acknowledgement and a bit of praise can be refreshing in today's often critical world.

Genuine appreciation and praise inspire creativity and motivation. 

Seems like when we get overloaded, overwhelmed and buried in our own work/life duties we may have a tendency to overlook (forgive the 'overs' ) showing our gratitude for those working just as hard 'shoulder to the wheel' who actually are vital to all the wheels turning towards united success. 

In my many years of working as a professional manager, marketer, volunteer trainer, business development manager, communications specialist and special events coordinator, in fields such as advertising, tourism, hospitality, broadcasting and horse racing management, I've come to understand the ultimate value of acknowledging employees and volunteers for their over and above contributions. Both paid and unpaid, the majority as I've observed come forward with the sincere desire to achieve success overall in team environments while contributing to the good of all. 

Pride in a job well done, an event well planned and executed or a fundraising campaign being a success raises morale while achieving a goal as a team or individual. Those successes benefit everyone involved. 

Some of the smallest acknowledgements in life come early on. Reflecting on an elementary school teacher who wrote on my report card in Grade 5, "Hettie enjoys writing and communicates well in class" I wonder now, did that positive comment inspire me further as I pursued journalism and public relations later in life? 

If we encourage one another along in this life school journey,  (no matter age or station) even with a kind word, a little praise, genuine gratitude or sincere acknowledgement imagine the possibilities. 

I'll admit, I've been walking this road longer now and have likely allowed others harsh criticism or negativity to infiltrate my mindset or direction to the point of derailing or detouring my personal objectives. It can be disheartening and discouraging to be continually criticized or even condescended to especially as we age. 

Grandma Lillie would say, "Treat others as you want to be treated." Or, "Walk in the other person's shoes." And I remember clearly this one, "Thankfulness grows where thoughtfulness shows." 

Being kind, thoughtful and generous in an authentic way certainly can be rewarding. Not only do children thrive being acknowledged I think we all feel uplifted at any age feeling appreciated. 

Here's to a new year of kindness, acceptance, generosity and unconditional love. Wishing you and yours a very happy, healthy and positive year ahead.