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Humphreys questions if District of Barriere should be involved in splash pad project

Should District be involved in the design, construction and maintenance of splash pad?

To the editor;

First off I would like to thank those residents of Barriere and the surrounding area that took the time to provide me with your views on what should happen here in our community.

I would also like to clear up what seems to be a misunderstanding around my views on the proposed splash pad.

I am not against a splash pad here in Barriere. What I am against is the District being involved in the design, construction and maintenance of the project.

The District has what could only be described as an abysmal record around trying to complete projects on time and on budget. Those of us that live in the downtown core and have suffered through what seemed to be the never ending sewer collection project can attest to this.

There are a number of companies that manufacture splash pads. These companies can build the facility for a given price and provide a guarantee which is something that would be missing with the current custom design proposals.

How should this be done? This project could be done in the same manner as the Agriplex.  By using the more than successful Fall Fair and Rodeo Association model the burden is removed from the taxpaying public.

A community association would be better able to not only build the facility with fewer costs but also provide proper lower cost maintenance of the facility as well as the creation of a viable revenue stream that will enable the splash pad to be properly serviced without being a continuing burden on the tax base of our community.

My concern is not the splash pad itself but that those residents that are having a financial struggle hardly need to have their taxes raised to cover what is not an essential service.

Bill Humphreys

Barriere, B.C.