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Ignorant no more

letter to the editor from Kathy Karlstrom - Ignorant no more

To the editor;

I have been watching our local paper for coverage of the “Idle no More” movement, unless I have missed it; I’m not seeing anything, and this surprises me.

However, I do feel the general sense of disinterest is a continuation of an age-old problem in our community, and in Canada as a whole.

Speaking as a non-indigenous Canadian woman, I applaud the First Nations for their efforts and dedication to the critical issues being raised by the “Idle no More” movement. I appreciate the stand that is being taken by First Nations with respect to the “Omnibus bills C38, and C45”. The passing of these bills adversely affects all Canadians, but at this point, only First Nations can challenge them, on the basis of infringement on treaty rights, land title, and constitutional questions.

I implore non-indigenous Canadians to champion our own movement, “Ignorant no More”. Make the effort to educate yourself and your children about the true history of colonialism in Canada, and endeavor to end racism once and for all.

Suggested reading – “The Inconvenient Indian” A curious account of Native people in North America.  Canadian author: Thomas King

Search the following link to find ways to support the “Idle no More” movement:

Kathy Karlstrom


Little Fort, B.C.