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In support of the teachers

If we are going to decrease funding in the schools any further why not get rid of them all together?

To the editor;

If we are going to decrease funding in the schools any further why not get rid of them all together?

Who in their right mind would want to educate children so that they can support us as we age into retirement?

Where does the lunacy stop?

And yes Christy Clark, these questions are for every British Columbian, including you.

Does it not come from the top? Are you not short-changing our schools and health care – for what?

I suppose we are not likely to hear an answer directly to this.

Despite the fact that yes, my child was not in school for three days last week, I fully support the teachers.

Please, instead of legislating them back to work,  let us try something really crazy.

Help us come to the table. Let us talk to the teachers. They have been polite.  It has been more than a year.

It is time.

Mark Ralko

Barriere, B.C.