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It really doesn’t matter if one believes or not

To the editor:

To the editor:

The other day I was having a conversation, or to be more precise, I was sounding off about the coronavirus.

Some statistics had come out that show, or purport to show, that if all these isolation policies around the globe had not been put in place there well could have been 50 million to 500 million people die.

My youngest daughter informed me that this corona has a death rate of eight per cent. The Spanish Flu had a death rate of five per cent.

The difference is First World War time secrecy. To this day the source of this flu is debated. More and more it’s thought to have originated in the US of Q. Kansas to be more precise. It was shipped over with the U.S. soldiers going to fight in France in 1917.

Whatever the source of the Spanish Flu, one of the effects was to seriously cripple Ludendorf’s offensive in 1918.

Imperial Germany’s final throw of the dice started with close to 100,000 German soldiers down with the flu. The Spanish Flu is believed to have caused at least 50 million deaths worldwide, which added to the 20 million plus casualties from the First World War — these truly were deadly times.

Back to my sounding off about the coronavirus. Several people appeared to agree with me, but one woman replied that it is all propaganda.

I reminded her that neither the Black Death or the Spanish Flu were propaganda. “This one is,” she replied, then she stalked about.

Well, let’s review some of the COVID-19 rumours. (1) It was sold to the Chinese then escaped from a lab. (2) Bill Gates and George Soros invented the virus and its antidote and are now waiting to sell it and make a fortune.

I had two persons tell me they didn’t believe in COVID-19. Both Christians, they believe in God and Lucifer. Heaven and Hell, but the virus is a myth.

One can only be thankful we live in the 21st century, not the 14th century or the early 20th.

The mythical virus is in retreat in some areas and spiking in others such as Brazil, but we can keep tabs on it.

It really doesn’t matter if one believes or not.

Dennis Peacock,

Clearwater, B.C.