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Our food security is in a fragile state

To the editor;

No bananas at the grocery store this morning woke me up once again to the fragility of our food security. 

With snow slides and such blocking the route the fruit and veggies from the south take to get to our part of the winter world, freshness and variety become qualities I can only dream of. 

I feel very thankful that Gerard and Donna from Watersmeet Farm in Barriere sell locally grown produce in Clearwater throughout the winter. 

A course called ‘More Vegetable Gardening Naturally’ is being offered at the Clearwater Community Resource Center in March.  

Although I may not be able to grow the bananas I am missing at the moment, perhaps next year, after taking the course, and working up my garden, I will have a stock of my own garden vegetables put away in my freezer - beside the blueberries I picked near my home.  Anyways, that’s my winter dream. 

Sandra Holmes 

Clearwater, B.C.