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Pause For Thought: Ask and receive

By Bible Mentor Marie Odell

By Bible Mentor Marie Odell

Another four principles Jesus presented were; the merciful shall find mercy, the pure in heart shall see God, the peacemakers will be called the children of God, and the persecuted for doing right have the kingdom of God.

These principles reflect what God is like. Even though He is the Creator of the universe and upholds it by His power, He is love personified, ever merciful, pure, peaceful, righteous.

Philip, one of Jesus’ disciples once asked that He show them the Father, and Jesus answered, “If you’ve seen Me, you’ve seen the Father. The Father and I are One.”

And when we look at Jesus’ life, we see what God the Father is like. Jesus was totally unselfish, never performing a miracle for Himself, but only for others. He was kind and compassionate, ever willing to heal the sin sick soul.

Our selfishness keeps us from seeing God as He truly is. The selfish heart tends to think of God as selfish too. Until we are willing to let go of that idea, we can’t really understand Him who is love. Only the humble, trusting spirit will see God as “merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth” (Exodus 34:6).

The world is at enmity with God’s law of love, and as a result are at enmity with each other.

All the plans for uplifting humanity with various laws and regulations will fail, because they do not reach the heart. The only power that can produce peace is Christ’s love in the heart. When that is implanted, it cleanses from evil passions that cause strife and hatred.

We can have Christ’s peace and love in our hearts for the asking. He promises, “Ask and you shall receive, that your joy may be full.” (John 16:23, 24).

If you have a question for Bible Mentor Marie Odell you can contact her by emailing:

Marie Odell is a member of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.


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