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Pause For Thought: Joy and satisfaction

Jesus’ ministry didn’t start by some great work before many peoples. Instead, it started at a wedding in Cana, a town near Nazareth where Jesus grew up. The couple were relatives of Joseph and Mary, and Jesus with His disciples and they were invited to the wedding.

Jesus’ ministry didn’t start by some great work before many peoples. Instead, it started at a wedding in Cana, a town near Nazareth where Jesus grew up. The couple were relatives of Joseph and Mary, and Jesus with His disciples and they were invited to the wedding.

Jesus mother, Mary, was a widow now, and happy to see Him again. She, with other Israelites mistakenly believed that the Messiah would come and would free her people from Rome’s oppressive power. She hoped He would perform a miracle to prove that He truly was sent of God.

in those days marriage festivities continued several days. At this occasion the wine ran out before the festivities were over. This was embarrassing and hinted at a lack of hospitality. Mary was helping at the feast, and she mentioned to Jesus, “They have no wine!”

Jesus loved His mother and wanted her to realize that He must do His Heavenly Father’s bidding. He answered, “My time is not yet come.”. He was seeking to help her see the time of His coming as a King hadn’t come, but rather as a suffering Saviour accepting the lot of humanity.

Even though Mary didn’t understand His mission, she trusted Him completely, and to honour that trust and encourage His disciples, He told the servants to fill the six large stone water jugs with water. And then He bade them draw out the liquid and take a sample to the governor of the feast.

The governor, amazed how good it tasted, told the bridegroom his surprise that the best wine was served last rather than first as usually done. Likewise worldly pleasures that seem full of fun at first, prove unsatisfying, ending in misery. But the gifts Jesus gives always give joy and satisfaction.

If you have a question for Bible Mentor Marie Odell you can contact her by emailing:

Marie Odell is a member of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.


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