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Pause For Thought: Obey and trust

Right after His baptism, Jesus was impressed by the Holy Spirit to go to the wilderness. He felt a need to have a quiet communion time with His Father for encouragement and strength to face His mission here on earth. (Luke 4:1) During His long stay shut in by His Father’s glory, He was lifted above human weakness.

Right after His baptism, Jesus was impressed by the Holy Spirit to go to the wilderness. He felt a need to have a quiet communion time with His Father for encouragement and strength to face His mission here on earth. (Luke 4:1) During His long stay shut in by His Father’s glory, He was lifted above human weakness.

When the glory departed, He was hungry. That was the time Satan came to tempt Him to sin by distrusting God the Father. The first thing he did was to cast doubt as to whether Jesus was who God said He was by saying, “If you are God’s Son, command these stones be turned to bread.”

Jesus was not to selfishly exercise His power for Himself. He came to have victory over selfishness and sin like we must do by trust in God’s love and willingness to yield to God’s wisdom. He would wait for God’s timing to bring relief.

Satan demanded a miracle as proof, but a firm stand on God’s Word is a far greater sign than a miracle, and one that Satan couldn’t argue against. So, Jesus answered, “It is written, man doesn’t live by bread alone, but by believing in the Word of God.” (Luke 4:4)

When we are fearful and distressed, Satan seeks to discourage us from believing God loves us and will care for us. But we can trust in God’s Word. It’s the only thing in this world we can really depend on. We are told in Matthew 6:33 to seek first God’s way, and all things needed shall be given to us.

Two questions we need to ask are “What is God’s will and what is His promise?” Knowing these, we can choose to obey the one and trust the other.

If you have a question for Bible Mentor Marie Odell you can contact her by emailing:

Marie Odell is a member of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.


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