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Productive dialogue between all parties involved can bring about positive results

The Star/Journal has always welcomed letters to the editor, but we do reserve the right to edit, condense, or reject letters

Thank you to Helen Fraser for your answer to the Mar. 21, and Apr. 11, letter writers who voiced concerns that their children had been bullied at school.  Ms. Fraser’s letter offers the individuals an opportunity to create dialogue with the school and address their concerns. She also tells that the school has a strong policy in place to address this, and they work hard to address “patterns of undesirable behavior”.

We hope that the original letter writers will take her up on the offer to “come to the school”, and by working together to resolve the issues all will benefit, but especially the children.

We did receive one other letter on the above subject by mail, but unfortunately, although we are more than willing to print your letter, there is no signature, address, or contact telephone number for us to confirm who in fact wrote the letter.

If you can afford us with this information we will by all means print your letter in our next publication, and we will keep your name anonymous as requested.

The Star/Journal has always welcomed letters to the editor, but we do reserve the right to edit, condense, or reject letters over matters of libel, legality, taste, brevity, style or clarity.  While all letters must be signed upon submission, with a contact number or email provided, writers may elect to withhold their names from publication in special circumstances.  This means that for us to print your letter, we must have a signature and verification of who wrote it.  We do not print any letters that have no signature or contact information.

In regards to the Mar. 21, and Apr. 11, letters that relate to specific children within this community who’s families are concerned that they have experienced bullying; we would think ourselves extremely irresponsible to have printed the names of the families involved.

The letter to the editor section of this newspaper is available for anyone to voice concerns, issues, accolades, and ideas.   Creating productive dialogue on the issues that are important to the community is the only way to create positive results.