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Rent a plot in the Barriere Community Garden

To the editor;

To the editor;

The Community Garden in Barriere was established around 1993 by volunteers. Then it was taken over by the North Thompson Valley Garden Club for several years, until they turned it over to the District of Barriere in 2013.

The idea is to provide growing space for area residents to grow veggies to supplement their tables. Eighty-five per cent of each plot must be used for the production of edible produce and gardeners are to harvest vegetables and flowers from their own plot only.

Pesticides and herbicides are not permitted in the garden; therefore, the garden is a great growing environment. You can bring in fertilizer for your own plot.

Each plot has it’s own water tap, so that each plot holder can regulate their own watering schedule on allowed days. You need to provide your own hose and timer. You also need to bring your own small tools, which you can store in a locker in the shed. If you wish to make use of a locker, bring your own lock for it.

For each plot, there is a $20 deposit (which is returned at the end of the year when the plot is nicely tidied up), and a $20 per year rental fee. There are raised beds for those with mobility issues, on a first come first served basis. These raised plots are free of charge for anyone who is handicapped in any way.

Such organizations as the elementary school and Barriere House (handicapped residence) receive plots at no charge.

Children and dogs are welcome in the garden, but children must be accompanied by an adult, and dogs must be on a short leash at all times (so they cannot dig or poop in other plots but yours).

A community garden is a great place, not only for growing stuff, but for socializing with fellow plot holders. Pick their brains for information on how to grow, when to grow, and how to control pests and weeds. When you are done digging about in your plot, take a minute to check out the other plots and see what your neighbours are growing. Maybe exchange a few recipes for enjoying the fruits of your garden.

If you are interested in renting a plot this year, please contact the District of Barriere at 250-672-9751, or for information, contact Liz Gilbertson at 250-672-9337.

Liz Gilbertson

Barriere, B.C.