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See Jesus and be blessed

About 40 days after Christ’s birth, Joseph and Mary took Him to the temple to be dedicated. (Luke 2:22-38) Day after day the priest saw parents bring their babes to be presented to the Lord, so he noticed nothing new or special about this babe as he held it up before the altar and inscribed the name “Jesus” on the roll of the first born. Little did he realize as he handed Jesus back to Mary that he was holding the Majesty of heaven!

About 40 days after Christ’s birth, Joseph and Mary took Him to the temple to be dedicated. (Luke 2:22-38) Day after day the priest saw parents bring their babes to be presented to the Lord, so he noticed nothing new or special about this babe as he held it up before the altar and inscribed the name “Jesus” on the roll of the first born. Little did he realize as he handed Jesus back to Mary that he was holding the Majesty of heaven!

Though the priest didn’t see or feel anything unusual, God’s giving His Son to the world was recognized. Simeon, a devout man of God had been told by the Holy Spirit he would not die before seeing the long awaited Messiah.

Walking through the temple at the time of Jesus’ dedication, his eyes lit up and he rushed over to Mary and Joseph as they turned to leave. Enraptured, he took the babe in his arms, and lifting Him up towards heaven, proclaimed, “Lord, now let Your servant die in peace, for my eyes have seen Your salvation!”

He returned Jesus to Mary and Joseph and blessed them, telling Mary that her child was “a light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of your people, Israel.”

When the prophetess Anna heard Simeon, she rushed over, her face lit up with joy as she gave thanks to God for letting her see Christ the Lord.

And today, there is a joy and blessing in seeing Jesus and really knowing Him personally.

Try taking half an hour, or even fifteen minutes a day reading through the four gospel books of the Bible—Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. Read slowly, visualizing the reading as if you were there in person, and be blessed.

If you have a question for Bible Mentor Marie Odell you can contact her by emailing:

Marie Odell is a member of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.


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