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Celebrate the horse this week

The horse supports us in work, play, and sport, so let's celebrate the horse.
Horses provide us with work

Horse Week 2012 runs from Saturday, June 2 to Sunday, June 10, stretching over two weekends of equine-related activities. You can spend a little extra time with your horse, take a riding lesson, go for a trail ride, hike on an historic horse trail, attend a horse show or plowing competition, or just watch a “horsey” movie like “War Horse”.  If you have a camera, get out in your community and find some equine subjects to photograph.   So long as you do something related to horses you will be supporting Horse Week.

If you are one of the fortunate people to actually own a horse, this is the time to reach out beyond the horse community and introduce people of all ages to the equine industry – and even more important – show them how much fun horses are to be around and their connection to our heritage.

“Whether it is to introduce horses to children or adults who don’t know much about them, or just to take the time to enjoy your own special passion, this is the time to get out and do it,” says Rose Schroeder, VP Recreation, Horse Council BC.  “It doesn’t matter if it is to show off a breed, or to get involved in a competitive event, or to go on a trail ride - take the time to get involved in this form of healthy exercise.”

Horse Week has been held annually since 2002 to promote and celebrate B.C.’s horse industry. The goal of Horse Week is to share the enjoyment of horses with the public and introduce newcomers to the beauty of favorite horse breeds and the fun of equestrian activities.

A pony is a childhood dream; a horse is an adult treasure.

Celebrate the horse this week!