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Office Politics 101: Male co-workers are “checking me out”

You have every right to make a case for a dramatic change in office culture.

Office Politics 101: Let's talk about me — again

There’s a woman in our office who is totally self-absorbed. She’s quite a good worker but is only interested in talking about herself.

Office Politics 101: I’m thinking of starting a business

Q: I’ve often thought about starting my own business and my husband is quite supportive of the idea.
Kinder Morgan unveils even bigger pipeline expansion

Kinder Morgan unveils even bigger pipeline expansion

More than 300 oil tankers a year to load at Burnaby

Office Politics 101: Promotions may be denied because I’m a woman

A: The so-called “glass ceiling” is certainly found in most companies.

Office Politics 101: I have to lay someone off!

Do nothing until you have investigated the entire matter by speaking with your manager and the HR department.

Office Politics 101: What's in a name?

I’ve been given a nickname – and I don’t like it.

Office Politics 101: Neither a lender nor borrower be

A co-worker borrowed money and won’t pay it back. What should I do?
B.C. experts to look at municipal taxes

B.C. experts to look at municipal taxes

An expert panel has been appointed to examine B.C.'s business taxes, including municipal taxes on industry.
Local economic forums set to start

Local economic forums set to start

The first local test of the B.C. government's jobs plan begins Thursday in the North Fraser region.